Ongoing research projects
On this page, we publish ongoing research projects. New centers are welcome to join our database by enrolling patients in a project. Participating centers can also include their patients in the project.
#1 Clinical and Echocardiographic Results of Mitral Valve Repair for Secondary Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Proposal overview: This project aims to address the controversies in patient and treatment selection for ventricular functional mitral valve disease by conducting new, multi-center studies to gain insights into the current state of treatment and provide evidence-based recommendations for patient management. The project will provide an overview of the current surgical and transcatheter treatments, compare the clinical and echocardiographic results of these treatments at 1-year post-intervention in real-world settings, assess the potential for left ventricular reverse remodeling with various treatment options, and compare the impact of different surgical repair techniques on diastolic mitral valve performance at 1-year post-surgery.
Inclusion period: 01-06-2025 until 31-05-2026 (with follow-up until 2027).
Initiator: Anton Tomšič, MD, PhD (PI: Prof. Evaldas Girdauskas, MD, PhD) from Augsburg University hospital.
Status: Proposal is approved, centers are recruited.
Contact: For questions or if you want to join this project, please contact
#2 The evolution of ventricular arrhythmias after mitral valve surgery in patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse and an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator: a multicenter retrospective study with long-term continuous rhythm monitoring
Proposal overview: This project aims to assess the evolution of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with mitral valve prolapse and an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) undergoing surgery for significant mitral regurgitation. The project will provide an overview of arrhythmic outcomes, evaluating the incidence, type, and predictors of recurrent post-surgical sustained ventricular arrhythmias in these subjects. The need of ICD therapies, transcatheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias and escalation of antiarrhythmic therapy at follow-up will be also evaluated. Arrhythmias will be centrally assessed by a Clinical Events Committee, in order to ensure consistency in events reporting.
Inclusion period 1999 until 2024 (with follow-up until 2025).
Initiator: Guido Ascione, MD; Michele De Bonis, MD; Nina Ajmone Marsan,
MD, PhD; Marta de Riva Silva, MD, PhD; Nikolaos Bonaros, MD
Status: Proposal is approved, centres are recruited.
Contact: For questions or if you want to join this project, please contact